Creativity, Mindfulness, Literacy, Environmental Education, Community

Reading Adventures
Literacy, Empathy, Creativity, Kindness, Recycling, Environmental Education, Civic Pride
The Empowerment Factory (TEF) blends social and emotional learning (SEL) with creative arts, language arts, life science and civics with a unique teaching model. We offer programs for afterschool, out of school, summertime learning and special workshops. TEF staff also offers engaging curriculum, which they will present alongside formal educators in the classroom to provide experiential hands-on on-the-job training. Modules are adaptable to all ages, grades 1-8, and can be presented as a one-day session (3-hour class), three-days (2 hours each day) or a 5 -10 week sessions.
Our in-school modules include instruction, art supplies and teaching materials. The teachers will be able to implement the curriculum and activities on their own with the following support materials:
- Suggested reading books
- Curriculum material
- Teaching guide with conversation openers and annotations of CCSS, NGSS and SEL standards
- Assessments
- Project ideas