These fun, free classes combine literacy, art, science, and social emotional learning. As a Rhode Island nonprofit, we encourage families to register for classes they can commit to attending, as we want to provide each student who wants to participate with the opportunity to do so. There will be prizes based on attendance. Registrations are limited to only 15 students per class, so register today.
Nature Drawing
Learn about nature and how to draw different animals in a fun and easy to follow step-by-step process. Dive into science and explore facts about Rhode Island’s animals that are in the greatest need of conservation and endangered species from around the globe. Our Nature Drawing class empowers our students with the knowledge of how to protect our environment.
Each Nature Drawing session meets once per week for seven weeks. Please be sure that your student will be able to consistently attend each week throughout the session.
For grades 2nd – 5th grade
Animals of RI: Vernal Pool (click to register)
February 15 – March 29, 2022
Tuesdays – 5pm – 6pm
Endangered Species: Book 1 (click to register)
February 16 – March 30, 2022
Wednesdays – 5pm – 6pm
Animals of RI: Ponds & Rivers (click to register)
February 17 – March 31, 2022
Thursdays – 6:30pm – 7:30pm

Art in The Park
Our Art in the Park program blends social emotional learning (SEL), art, literacy, and environmental education to foster mindfulness, creativity, and a love of literacy in elementary school children while cultivating an open mindset. We will start each workshop with our mindful moments, followed by reading a book and an art activity. Walk-ins are welcome if space is available. Please arrive at least half an hour prior to the beginning of class to ensure classes can start on time. Each student will get a Creativity Kit including a book, blanket, and art supplies that they can take home with them after the workshop.
K – 5th grade
There are no current dates available for this program but be on the lookout for updates this April!

Reading Adventures
In this seven-week adventure, we will read and write stories, work together to perform plays using puppets we’ll make ourselves, do arts and crafts, write kindness cards, and have a read-a-thon where students can earn books to donate to pediatric cancer patients at Hasbro Children’s Hospital.
Each Reading Adventure session meets once per week for seven weeks. Please be sure to select a day and session that your student will be able to consistently attend each week throughout the session.
For grades 2nd – 5th grade
There are no current dates available for this program but be on the lookout for updates this April!