The Wishing Tree is a public art project being created by The Empowerment Factory (TEF) in collaboration with children from Rhode Island to be installed in Pawtucket. TEF is encouraging members of the community to share their most cherished wishes for themselves, their friends and family, their community, and the world.
If you would like to submit your wishes complete this google form:
On October 18th, at the HLCE Scavenger Walk, TEF distributed Wishing Tree packets, which included a pen and colorful tags, upon which children and parents could write their wishes before hanging them on the Wishing Tree growing in the Baldwin Elementary School garden. Some of the wishes are deeply emotional: to be together in this time of difficulty, to see loved friends and family, return to school, etc. Your wishes will be transferred onto a leaf on the Wishing Tree art installation.
We need your colorful plastic caps from various sizes! They will be recycled into artwork. Drop them into the jug located outside our studio in the Hope Artiste Village.
The Empowerment Factory, 999 Main Street, Suite #707, Pawtucket.
“It’s impactful to see adults come together to service the youth in a developmentally appropriate and compassionate way. We hope to continue to engage with you and thank you for the ongoing resources. As a family we will be composing our tree of gratitude, influenced by your wish tree and hope to continue manifesting positivity throughout our community. We wish you all the best as you continue to creatively navigate the current barriers, keep up the good work!” –Sara M. (Providence)